Friday, December 16, 2005

It's 12:15 in the morning. I was woken up by the assistant boy at about 1140pm telling me that there's emergency case waiting for me in the clinic. It's a dog that hit by car according to the assistant boy. Quickily changed my sleeping clothes and rushed to the clinic.About 10 minutes drive, the phone rang again thought that the assistant boy hastened me to speed up as the owner probably asking the boy why the vet hasn't turn up yet. When I answered the phone, guess what the boy told me,
" Doctor, sorry ah, itu owner tak mahu tengok doctor lagi sebab emergency charge terlalu mahal,cakap dia datang besok pagi, sorry ah." hahahah..what a joke man!Anyway, drove and arrived home after that.And again got emergency called half an hour later. And again I rushed back to the clinic. Just got back from the clinic after seeing the emergency case. Dog with left forelimb fracture. I am very sleepy and tired now. Time to go to bed. To pray that no more emergency case.

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