Clinic has been kinda quiet lately. It could be probably due to World Cup Season. Everyone stays at home watching the football matches and forget about their pets :) . Not many hospitalization cases as such. A couples of parvovirus cases though. I still remember that last year around this time there were lots of parvovirus cases as well. It makes me think that does parvovirus comes with season? Anyway, please do bring your 2 months old puppy for vaccination if you have one. Parvovirus is deadly disease. Last Sunday again I saw an obese Pinscher walked into our clinic. This dog has been feeding with all kind of food that you can name it. All I can remember that one of the food is satay. LOL....
These all some of the photos and I have taken.

She's about 25kg.

You can appreciate more on this photo I supposed.Took from the back of the dog.

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