Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sigh..again I met many difficult and weird pet's owners this week. Sometimes I just can't breath. Please give me a break and I need a long vacation!!
Complaints just keep on pouring in and which I don't think it's our vet's faults. Heard like " the vet killed my dog during the treatment." eerrr....that's not true! I found most of the irresponsible pet's owner bring their pet to see vet when their pet is extremely ill. We as a responsible vet will definitely do our best to save the sick animals.But often when their pet died, it's all vet's fault. However, some of the pet's owner will never appreciate you when you've saved their pets. Not even a word of "Thank you". I am really wondering what's in their mind. Just wanna share my frustration over what I had encounter for the past 1 week..Phew...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jc, yes, maybe i know what you're talking about. sometimes, i get clients complaining about another vet from other clinic but i feel that it's MY duty to protect the other vet (ppl of my same profession). I feel that almost every vet will try their best to treat the animal.

i have clients saying things like "after the vet gives the injection, my dog die" or "pls, i dowan injection, my last dog died after injection" -- i felt like screaming out loud gila, siaw cha bo.

please, i bet your dog was already sick in the first place.

some owner are so stupid.