I had a funny emergency case last night around 1130pm. It's a 2 months old toy poodle presented to me with the complaint of acute onset of weakness. Below is the conversationg that I had with the owner.
Owner: I saw my dog lying in the cage when I came back home just now and no energy to eat when I offered food to him. Why ar doctor?
Me: Errr...Any vomiting and diarrhae?When did you last feed the dog and how many time do you feed your dog normally?
Owner:Oh, no vomiting and diarrhae. I fed my dog at 10am this morning. I feed twice a day only. Why ar doctor? My dog pengsan because of not eating is it?
Me: How much of dog biscuits you feed normally?
Owner: I usually give 16 pieces of dry biscuits only.
Me: HA?!!!!! 16 PIECES ONLY??!!!! WHO TOLD YOU SO????!!!
Owner: Ne...the petshop person asked me to give 16 pieces only...must control their intake so that my dog won't grow too big..
Me: You under feed your dog, he's now having low glucose in the blood(hypoglycaemia). So I've to check his glucose level and put him on drip now.
The toy poodle was getting up and eating after we put him on drip with glucose.
I didnt LOL in front of the owner but in my heart. On the other hand, I was a little bit upset not on the owner but the petshop people that giving out the wrong information and education to the pet's owners. There's no such thing as feeding your dog with 16 pieces of dry biscuits!!!?? Come on, please do some reading on basic information of how to take care of a pet. To all the pet's owner out there,please do seek for professional veterinary advice instead of listening to all these improper and fake information.
Owner: I saw my dog lying in the cage when I came back home just now and no energy to eat when I offered food to him. Why ar doctor?
Me: Errr...Any vomiting and diarrhae?When did you last feed the dog and how many time do you feed your dog normally?
Owner:Oh, no vomiting and diarrhae. I fed my dog at 10am this morning. I feed twice a day only. Why ar doctor? My dog pengsan because of not eating is it?
Me: How much of dog biscuits you feed normally?
Owner: I usually give 16 pieces of dry biscuits only.
Me: HA?!!!!! 16 PIECES ONLY??!!!! WHO TOLD YOU SO????!!!
Owner: Ne...the petshop person asked me to give 16 pieces only...must control their intake so that my dog won't grow too big..
Me: You under feed your dog, he's now having low glucose in the blood(hypoglycaemia). So I've to check his glucose level and put him on drip now.
The toy poodle was getting up and eating after we put him on drip with glucose.
I didnt LOL in front of the owner but in my heart. On the other hand, I was a little bit upset not on the owner but the petshop people that giving out the wrong information and education to the pet's owners. There's no such thing as feeding your dog with 16 pieces of dry biscuits!!!?? Come on, please do some reading on basic information of how to take care of a pet. To all the pet's owner out there,please do seek for professional veterinary advice instead of listening to all these improper and fake information.